中醫養⽣講座 - 睡眠與健康
何謂健康睡眠? 睡眠不⾜,影響⽇常⽣活和健康,讓我們⼀起分享促進睡眠的要訣。
講者: Mr. Stephen Kwan & Ms. Ada Ho R.TCMP, R.Ac
日期: 9⽉22⽇ 星期⼆ 上午11時⾄中午12時
登記及查詢: kngai@fpcsacanada.com website: www.fpcsacanada.com
Funded by: The Government of Canada under the New Horizons for Seniors program
The information provided by this seminar is for general reference only. The speakers\\\' view, information, and opinion expressed do
not necessarily represent FPCSA. 講座所提供的信息僅供⼀般參考之⽤, 講座內容為主講者個⼈意⾒,⼀切與本會無關。
何謂健康睡眠? 睡眠不⾜,影響⽇常⽣活和健康,讓我們⼀起分享促進睡眠的要訣。
講者: Mr. Stephen Kwan & Ms. Ada Ho R.TCMP, R.Ac
日期: 9⽉22⽇ 星期⼆ 上午11時⾄中午12時
登記及查詢: kngai@fpcsacanada.com website: www.fpcsacanada.com
Funded by: The Government of Canada under the New Horizons for Seniors program
The information provided by this seminar is for general reference only. The speakers\\\' view, information, and opinion expressed do
not necessarily represent FPCSA. 講座所提供的信息僅供⼀般參考之⽤, 講座內容為主講者個⼈意⾒,⼀切與本會無關。